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Barnes & Noble:
B & N has my book for a really cheap price!

Yes, now you can get my book at Barnes and Noble at a really good price of only $10.75 as long as you are a member. 

The regular price is $11.95 if you are not a member. Becoming a member is as easy as 123. So far, this is the lowest price that I've ever seen yet on any website besides the download version. Don't wait, order yours today and avoid the disappointment later.


Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble

And you won't be disappointed with my book, no way, no how!

And remember, kids come first in my book! I mean my coloring book!

I bring you only the best and leave out the rest.

Just click on the money or the Barnes & Noble link and it will take you right to their website and my book of course.

You can also click on my name right under where it says, Mr. Clarks Awesome Designs Coloring Book, which will take you to another fun filled page.