Ryan Matthew
10 posts
Jan 12, 2022
11:42 PM
If you are searching for something that can help you write a good critical essay, then this article is your ultimate guide. Before you start, you need to understand the key aspects of critical essay writing. This essay is not just about telling your readers about your stance over a matter or description about the subject, rather a critical essay requires an explanation based on logical reasoning to explain the positive and negative sides of the given topic.
If you want to write like a essay writer free, then you must read the tips and follow them while writing. Following tips provide you a comprehensible understanding of steps, ways, and sources that you can use while writing a critical essay.

- You must select your topic carefully. The topics which are ambiguous and are not clear to you will ultimately result in a poor write-up.
- Once you are done with the selection, start searching for the resource. The resources must be reliable and the information must be credible so that you can logically present your critical analysis. Few resources include peer-reviewed journals, books, credible news resources
- While writing a critical essay, avoid fiction and personal statements. Instead of just explaining why you think of something as good or bad, supplement the essay with pieces of evidence and facts.
- Writing an introductory paragraph is most crucial. It provides a glimpse of the background and the possible aspects which you will be writing in the essay. A good introduction paragraph acts as a hook for the reader and intrigues the reader to continue reading.
- Avoid plagiarism while writing an essay. When I write my essay for me I avoid using typical and informal phrases which is an effective technique to remove plagiarism. The more creative you are while writing, the lesser will be the chances of including plagiarism in your write up.
- At the end of the introductory paragraph, write the thesis statement based on your research and analytical skills. A thesis statement will reflect upon the main idea which you will be critically analyzing throughout the essay.
- Once you are done with the introduction, carefully organize the body paragraphs in the essay to provide a rational explanation and critical analysis of the topic. Crafting clear topic stances at the start of the body paragraphs helps in devising a structured essay. Provide different examples and avoid difficult statistics
- Make sure that your essay is coherent and well organized. All the thoughts and critical explanations must be linked. You must take special care of the chronological order if you are quoting the historic evidence. The flow of ideas is necessary to retain the reader's interest in reading your essay.
- In the end, write a brief conclusion and summarize all the analytical ideas in the concluding paragraph. Revision is the most important part of writing an essay therefore, revise your essay once you are done so that you can eliminate the grammatical errors.
By following the aforementioned tips, you can write an impactful essay. However, if you are still not confident about your writing skills, you can consult a college essay writer where professional writers can help you in writing a good critical essay.
Sample Essay
Despite the evident manifestation of climate change in the form of floods, changing weather patterns, wildfires, and earthquakes, the majority of the people have shown no serious concerns regarding the future course of action to counter climate change. Climate is not a far-fetched idea rather it is real and poses a huge threat to human survival. If it is not addressed adequately then it will have dire social, geographical, political, and social implications.
Climate change is one of the major problems faced by the world collectively. Deterioration of the climate of the earth can be observed in different parts of the world such as in Antarctica, the melting of the glacier, rise in sea level, frequent flooding, changing pattern of rains, smog in the South Asian countries, and wildfires in Australia, etc. Although it is one of the most talked-about issues of the21st century, there are only a few serious efforts at the international level to mitigate the impacts of climate change and to control the environmental pollution which is triggering climate change.
The major causes of climate change are pollution due to human activities and rapid industrialization in the last few decades. The release of carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons into the air has led to global warming due to the greenhouse effect. The warmer climate further disrupted the stable and healthy ecosystem in the form of the extinction of many plant and animal species. Another main reason for climate change is deforestation due to increasing population which further polluted the earth's atmosphere and exacerbated the greenhouse effects as trees and plants are an important source of recycling carbon dioxide in the air. Excessive transportation and use of fertilizers have polluted the marine and soil ecosystem which has resulted in climate change as it disturbed the microflora and natural recycling mechanism which is important to keep a balanced ecosystem.
Climate change has huge economic and social implications such as infrastructure damage, displacement of people, increased mortality and disease burden, scarcity of food and water and energy shortages. Therefore, more initiatives such as the Paris agreement are required to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
To conclude, climate change poses a real threat to human survival as it has multiple implications. To mitigate the impacts, combined efforts are required to make this world a safer place for human beings.
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