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I put up this here webpage incase anyone would like to donate to the PASADENAHUMANE.ORG This page does not have a direct link to their website, you'll have to do that on your own time sorry! It's a lot easier having a direct link yes I know, but I'm getting lazy these days! I gave $10.00 not much, but every little bit helps! So, if you make a $10.00 donation, 50cents is added for the transaction fee. So, it will be $10.50 for example. Remember every little bit helps no matter how small it is! You'll be given a confirmation number, and a copy of your receipt which will be sent to your email box. You can do a one-time payment or an on-going payment in any amount that's up to you! And it is a secured transaction so no worry blurries! All their information is right there on their website who they are, what they do...etc. The donations will help with all the animals that were rescued during the California fires and hopefully the owners will reunite with them soon! Be well, be safe, be Blessed!